A Summer of Numbers

April 12, 2018


We are excited to offer you something new this summer. Knowing how our human nature may fight within us to allow our study of God's word to go to the wayside between the months of May and August, we wanted to try to help. In August, we will begin studying Deuteronomy, but we don't want to skip over the book of Numbers. So we have come up with a plan to study Numbers on our own - together. We have made a suggested reading plan beginning on May 30 and finishing on July 30 to read the book. We are also committing to blog through it so that we can stick together and encourage you to persevere.

We hope that you will enjoy what you read here but more importantly, we hope that you find joy in the invitation to God's word. And don't let the title of Numbers fool you, it's actually a rich and interesting book. The Israelites are on the move and they're putting into practice all they have been commanded in Exodus and Leviticus. You know there is a talking donkey in the Old Testament - he's in this book! There's even a very "progressive" provision of inheritance made for a group of women! There's so much more in Numbers, so join us as we dig in.

If you desire, we are also making a workbook available for you to use and practice your good Bible Study skills in. Follow this link to order one.

I hope you are encouraged in your pursuit of God's holiness.
Much love,


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