In conclusion...

by, Kim Killebrew

The end of summer… the temperatures remain high, but the activities in my daily life completely change. The freedom from the daily planner that we’ve enjoyed for 10 weeks is gone and my children and I are driven back to the task master of schedule. But what a privilege it has been to enjoy the long days of summer! The time to actually get bored which seems completely elusive 9 months of the year.

But here we are at July 30, and we made it! We have followed the Israelites to the edge of Canaan after wandering and numbering and warring for 40 years. What is your impression after reading another book of the Old Testament? What stands out to you after your study of Numbers?  For me it’s always the same. I am just like the Israelites and the God that I serve is the same God that they served. He is faithful, sovereign, and wise. I am not. 

As Jimmy taught yesterday, the Israelites were freed from a life of slavery so that they could live a life of obedience. And so am I. 

Exodus 14 finds the Israelites complaining about the water just three days after leaving Egypt. Numbers 14 finds the Israelites complaining about the leadership. Murmuring, grumbling, complaining. Ugh. It’s far too familiar. Even if I don’t speak it with my lips, how often is the sentiment in my heart? My sinful nature’s default toward complaining is all too often stuck. What about you?

But what a God we serve! The God of the universe has been and will always remain the same. 

Numbers 1: He is sovereign in his commands.
Numbers 2: He is orderly in his way.
Numbers 3: He appoints leaders in his wisdom.
Numbers 5: He is just.
Numbers 6: He is holy.
Numbers 12: He is right.
Numbers 16-17: He is in control of all of creation.
Numbers 19-21: He is severe but also merciful.
Numbers 21: He knows all.
Numbers 22: His anger is righteous.
Numbers 25: He is a God of wrath.
Numbers 27: He sees and he loves.
Numbers 34: He gives generous gifts.

I could go on and on throughout the entire book of Numbers. In summary: He is God. I am not. And what a beautiful, gracious truth that is!

Just as the Israelites forgot how much God had done for them in his vast generosity and graciousness, I forget, too. Today I praise him for this truth. May my lips and heart and body and soul worship him and adore him! May my memory grow sharp and long and may the default of my soul become praise and worship rather than grumbling and complaints. 

God, how you have given! Thank you for saving me from my own dark self-destruction. Thank you for saving me from my identity as offended victim that the world shouts for us to embrace. God, thank you for forgiving me and holding me close each step of the way. May I never stray from your faithful lovingkindness and may I “remember all the commandments of the Lord, to do them, not follow after my own heart and my own eyes, that I am inclined to whore after. Help me to remember and do all of your commandments, and be holy to my God.” (Numbers 15:39-40)


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