Welcome to the 2019 Shower Challenge

Welcome to the Shower Challenge of 2019!

Permit me to explain a little about the title. A few years ago, I determined to be as committed to my Bible reading and meditating as I was committed to my showering. Let me just say that I am very committed to showering. (Of 365 days every year, I may skip one.) It was a good challenge for me and a lovely year! At this point I don't remember how many days I missed reading God's word, but I don't think it was more than 5.

I have been a Christian for 39 years. I was raised in a church that valued a personal relationship with Christ, and that relationship was only formed through consistent time with him. Of course, I have a few hangups from my past that I took on as guilt, but the time spent orienting my life to the Lord has never been in vain. I cannot really see what he is doing in me, but I trust him. Even with all of my knowledge, I still struggle to maintain the consistency in my walk with the Lord that I would like. I still think some days that I can face the day in my own power or that my time would be better spent accomplishing a pressing task. Oh, sin!

My personal Shower Challenge impacted me. I have also spent several years in accountability text groups that share a Bible reading plan. Again, that has been helpful and impactful for me. So now I bring it to you, my greater church sisters. Can the Lord use these eight weeks of accountability in his word for our good? Can we be found faithful? Can we grow together in unity and passion for the Lord? Maybe. God alone knows what he will use and how he will use it, but I hope this tool will be used for his glory alone.

Here's how it works. Register online. http://www.graceevan.org/ministries/womens-ministry/. Give me permission to add you to a GroupMe. I have created a calendar for June and July on GroupMe where you will get daily alerts on what to read each day. There is a way to read all of Psalms in a  month, but that requires 5 chapters per day. In this challenge we will commit to 3 chapters. In June we will read 3 Psalms. In July we will read two Psalms and 1 chapter of Proverbs. By the end, we will have spent 61 consecutive days reading and meditating on God's word. Imagine how the Lord can use that!

Today, I have no idea how many women will register to be a part. But I thought we would make some guidelines for everyone to respect each other's time and varying personalities. Please keep these in mind when you engage with the group. Our rule of thumb for sharing will be: Do not detract from the ministry of the word.

1. Pray before speaking/sharing. Everything that you share should be encouraging. We want to build one another up and glorify the Lord with our speech.

2. Some dear friends are internal processors. Some dear friends are external. With great respect for both, this should be a safe community to share how the Lord is working in you. However, please refrain from oversharing.

3. Let's keep sharing on GroupMe to a minimum. As we will all get alerts when someone posts something, we do not want to commandeer everyone's phone at all times.

4. On the blog, the comments section is enabled. If you want to share and be a part, which I encourage, that is probably the best place. Just remember, keep it encouraging and edifying.

5. Guidelines for me - at this time, I will be the sole blogger this summer. I commit to you that this is not a personal blog where I share all the happenings in my life. I may mention a few things here and there, but it is my goal to worship the Lord through writing. I want to offer an accountability tool to keep the momentum going and a place for our women to gather over the word even while we are worlds apart. It is my plan to blog 1-2 times per week. I will notify the GroupMe when there is a blog post available.

With all that said, let's get ready! Let's take a dive into the Psalms and Proverbs this summer and worship the Lord together!

In Christ,


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